This is my finished Solar System project! (Project 1). Made in Unity.
Via the tutorial, the Sun, Earth, and Earth's moon were added along with proper behaviors and audio. On top of this, there was also an included comet spawner which spawns comets every 8 seconds (the very first one clashes with the Earth).

In addition to this, I added Mercury, Mars, and Neptune. Each with their own rotations to one another and the sun based on a percentage difference to that of Earth, making the rotation of the planets and their orbits as "realistic" as possible. Each planet also has their own sounds which corresponds to some fact regarding the planet:
Mars has the sound of a flying drone, buzzing in the sky. This resembles the rovers we have sent to the planet.
Neptune has the sound of something being frozen - much like one you would hear inside of any other game. This resembles how cold the planet is.
Mercury has the sound of a buzzing computer as if it were about to enter the Blue Screen of Death. This resembles how hot the planet is and what might happen if a computer were to overheat.

I made no changes to the comet spawner, Sun, or other aspects from the tutorial.

Created by: Cam Kupel


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